Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How One Child Policy Would Affect Chinese Economy Research Paper

How One Child Policy Would Affect Chinese Economy - Research Paper Example In 1989, the official trademark was that a â€Å"one-child or two-child† strategy, and it was in power in all most all areas of China. Accordingly, under this changed arrangement starts, couples with a little girl were gave with the benefit to have a second kid that too following a hole of 7 years. China’s whole birth arranging activity and one-youngster strategy was examined on the accessible procedures and structures connected with a midway arranged economy. (US Congress Joint Economic Committee 1992:252). Populace control and financial advancement are the two significant worries for creating countries. China’s reaction to this issue was the open-entryway strategy and the change and the one-youngster strategy. Two supernatural occurrences have been created by China in these territories. Both, segment and financial changes have been experienced by China as of late. Further, China has moved from the unified economy to a market-based economy. China, over the most recent twenty years, has become as one of the quickly developing and most vivacious economies of the world, and this is respected to be first supernatural occurrence. Further, China’s one-kid strategy has applied the brake to unstable development of Chinese’s populace and furthermore there has been a striking decrease in ripeness rates, which is well cry â€replacement stages and this has been viewed as second supernatural occurrence of China.( Wong and Liu 2007:333). As a general rule, the decreases in populace development, the stoppage in fruitfulness rates and change in age structure have been fundamental highlights monetary accomplishment of China. The fundamental point of this examination study is to contemplate the relationship between China’s monetary development and its segment advancement. Out of sight of both future and contemporary changes in China’s age structure, this examination paper will likewise investigate and assess on the job of chan ge in populaces age structure in affecting China’s possibilities for financial development in the resulting decades. This exploration paper will attempt to explain the future, and the current stands up to China witnesses and recommends arrangements to adapt to them to keep up monetary development in the globe’s most masses country. (Wong and Liu 2007:334). One Chid Policy and China’s Economic Development History of Chinese One - Child Policy During 1978-79, there had been reformulation of China’s populace strategy by the post â€Mao’s authority. The populace issue saw in the late 1970s was footed on the segment reality that in the middle of 1949 and 1970, China had finished up its segment advancement from high to low mortality and ripeness rates. Prior to the presentation of one - kid strategy , the China’s populace system of the 1970s had brought about a shark fall in total fruitfulness rates to 2.72 in 1978 from 5.81 in 1970.Despite the reality of low richness rates , because of segment energy , it was predicted that populace increment would drag out for a long time to come. Segment energies indicates that a populace will draw out to increment long after substitution level fruitfulness has been practiced, as youthful age structure of the absolute populace will create bunches in the childbearing ages for some more years to come. The exploration review by Tien (1981) that was led in the late 1970 indicated that around 39 % of populace of China was in the age gathering of 15 or more , while 65% of the populace was matured 30 and underneath , brought into the world after 1949 . Estimations indicated that based on this age structure that assuming each

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Employee Benefits at HealthCo

HealthCo is a not-for-profit human services supplier working with 36 facilities in an open framework inside an utilitarian association. The facilities incorporate recovery units, treatment offices, hospice and geriatric units, and other profoundly particular focuses. HealthCo works with around 6,700 representatives in the eastern United States. In accordance with the business, HealthCo utilizes a bigger number of ladies than men in the regions of nursing and patient consideration. HealthCo held a ranking workforce conference to address current issues and the coming year’s vital activities. Going to the Senior Staff meeting were the CEO, Dr. Palmer, Senior Officer Pat, Senior Officer Francis, and Senior Officer Mercer. During the gathering CEO, Dr. Palmer tended to a Human Resources report showing that HealthCo’s turnover is 1. multiple times the business standard. Dr. Palmer conviction is that while HealthCo is serious with pay, the advantages offered the workers is a territory requiring improvement. Dr. Palmer demand that a group of four to six volunteers start chipping away at an arrangement for HealthCo turning into a top organization regarding work-life benefits. Question #1: How might you lead a finding of the circumstance at HealthCo? So as to successfully determination the circumstance as indicated by â€Å"entering and contracting are the underlying strides in the OD process† (Cumming and Worley, 2009, P. 75). These means are essential to build up the connection between the Organizational Development specialist and the association. This relationship characterizes the parameters for every single outstanding period of the hierarchical improvement procedure, for example, diagnosing the association, arranging and actualizing, assessing and standardizing the arranged change. Distinguish the introducing issue Distinguishing the introducing issue is the apparent issue by the customer, in view of a starter request. It is the thing that has all the earmarks of being going on. It is commonly unmistakable by the arrangement that is frequently, yet not generally recommended. After we distinguish the introducing issue, we can start to explain the hierarchical issue so as to more readily comprehend the unique circumstance and nature of the introducing issue. Make certain to recognize the introducing issue before continuing to explaining the authoritative issue. Recollect that the introducing issue regularly has a suggested or expressed arrangement. Explaining the authoritative issue It is frequently found that the introducing issue is precise. Nonetheless, a careful determination is required to help the analysis. The introducing issue is just enough data all together for the Organizational Development expert to state we have to investigate the issue. This can be precarious however, on the grounds that the customer's psyche may be made up as far as the requirement for a preparation program and the Organizational Development expert realizes that the introducing issue may simply be a sign of a more profound issue inside the association. Along these lines, extra information should be gathered so as to comprehend the main problem. Cummings and Worley alert that multiple occasions the introducing issue can be just a manifestation of the main problem (2009, p. 76). The assortment of this extra information will bolster the Organizational Development practitioner’s explanation of the issue and arrangement in the endeavor of drawing closer and picking my applicable customer. Deciding the Relevant Client The way toward deciding the applicable customer includes choosing the people inside the association who can straightforwardly affect the change issues. The important customer will incorporate the individual who can approve the utilization of suitable assets for this venture. Simultaneously, socially, inside the association, these top level individuals have been verifiably unfit to actualize fruitful change. The following stage is to distinguish the people engaged with the creation the change procedure to be fruitful. This ought to incorporate authority from all divisions influenced by these progressions just as portrayal from all areas. Compelling distinguishing proof of the introducing issue, explaining the authoritative issue, and right choice of the pertinent customer will empower the Organizational Development specialist to analyze the association. Diagnosing Organizations Diagnosing is the procedure by which the Organizational Development expert starts to see how the association is working. This data is required to plan the change mediation. The finding procedure will empower the Organizational Development specialist and the individuals from the association to together decide the issues to be tended to, the strategy by which the assortment and investigation of the information will occur. A successful conclusion will assist with building up the connection between all gatherings while together they can progress in the direction of the advancement of the vital activities steps. The procedure starts with choosing which level of investigation to apply, association, gathering, or individual level. Determination can happen at all degrees of investigation, or it can happen at just one level. Each level has inputs, structure segments, and yields. Data sources are what associations need to work with, general condition, industry, association configuration, bunch structure, and individual attributes. Plan parts are the key segments inside the association that empower the association to take the information sources and change them into yields, administrations or an item. There are six segments at the authoritative level, innovation, structure, culture, estimation frameworks, HR frameworks, and system. Gathering level plan parts incorporate objective clearness, group working, bunch standards, bunch creation, lastly task structure. There are five structure parts inside the individual level framework. Every person of investigation will take the information sources and work inside the associations plan parts structure to transform contributions to the ideal yields. Inside the authoritative level framework yields incorporate association adequacy. This viability incorporates execution, efficiency, and partner fulfillment. Gathering level frameworks influence group viability, including nature of work life, and execution of the gathering. The individual level framework yields incorporate individual viability, work fulfillment, execution, truancy, and self-awareness. The associations adequacy relies upon the arrangement among the various gatherings. To decide whether the associations arrangement the Organizational Development expert gathers and examines information to responds to two inquiries, does the organization’s key direction fit with the data sources, and do the structure parts fit with one another. Gathering and Analyzing Diagnostic Information The Organizational Development professional will assume an extremely dynamic job in the assortment of information for analytic purposes. There are three significant objectives of information assortment, getting substantial data, rally backing of the hierarchical individuals, and advances a working connection between the Organizational Development expert and the individuals from the association. Strategy for Collection There are four strategies for social occasion symptomatic information, surveys, meetings, perceptions, and unpretentious measures. (Cummings and Worley, 2009) Each technique holds significant preferences and impediments. The best method to successfully gather information is through the poll strategy. Polls evaluate the more far reaching attributes of the association. Method for examining information Quantitative device of research is a considerably more emotional type of research than subjective research. Subjectivity permits the presentation of individual inclination in the assortment of the information. Subjective research might be fundamental when it is hazy what precisely is being searched for in an examination. The scientist will at that point be required to figure out what information is significant and what isn’t. In subjective research the utilization of substance examination and the power field investigation information is gathered from the utilization of meetings, perceptions and inquiries questions. The OD professional should then separate reactions into two classes, the social viewpoint and the assignment angle. In correlation, the quantitative research instrument isolates information with the goal that they can be checked and demonstrated measurably. Instruments utilized, for example, scattergrams, mean standard deviations, recurrence dispersions, and contrast tests are expected to limit any predisposition. Quantitative research at that point gathers data like a machine. The aftereffect of quantitative research is an assortment of numbers, which can be exposed to factual examination in the arrangement of an outcome. Quantitative research knows precisely what it’s searching for before the exploration starts. In subjective research the focal point of the examination gets clear as time advances. Taking care of Back Diagnostic Information Feeding back symptomatic data as per Cummings and Worley is maybe the most significant advance in the finding procedure (2009). The viability of criticism information lays on the consequences of the information introduced summoning a feeling of activity in the association and its individuals. There is more data typically accumulated than is required, hence, the OD specialist should appropriately break down the information and present just the significant information. Introducing a greater number of information than required could make the hierarchical individuals feel overpowered and cause obstruction of progress and an absence of inspiration for change. Deciding the substance of the input can be depicted utilizing nine properties (Cummings and Worley, 2009). The individuals from the association are responsive to the information input when they think that its important. The incorporation of the directors and representatives in the assortment of the information can build the information significance. The criticism must be justifiable and unmistakable. The utilization of diagrams and outlines in introducing factual information bears ease in the comprehension of the confounded information. Detai

Monday, July 27, 2020

Earlybird Venture Capital

Earlybird Venture Capital In Berlin we meet Ciarán OLeary who is a partner at the venture capital firm Earlybird. Before being a venture capitalist Ciarán was working in banking, private equity, and as an entrepreneur.Ciarán shares some further insights on the due diligence process of Earlybird, the investment focus of Earlybird, and gives some valuable advice to entrepreneurs.Interviewer: Hi. Today we are in Berlin with Ciarán from EarlyBird. Ciarán, whow are you and what do you do?Ciarán: I’m Ciarán, I’m a venture capitalist at a firm called EarlyBird. I’m a partner there. We invest in early stage internet companies mainly in Berlin in the sense that it is slightly north of 50%. But we also invest all across Europe.Interviewer: What did you do before you started working in the VC industry?Ciarán: I probably have the worst possible background you can have as a VC. For a year before I became a VC I tried myself as an entrepreneur, wasn’t very successful, I think that’s the good part. The bad part is before that I was at a very large private equity house, and before that I was at an investment bank working on big transactions. And it turns out that venture capital, working with entrepreneurs, is really not about transactions, it’s about relationships. So I literally think that I may be seen not because of what I did but despite of what I did. But, hey, I’m here.Interviewer: So if somebody would like to start working at venture capital fund, don’t go with the IB / PE route but more go to the entrepreneurial route.Ciarán: Definitely. I think if you had to do something like that, you’d rather go to a consultant firm where you just think more holistically about things, but doing operational things, working for a startup, trying yourself as an entrepreneur, it makes you just appreciate so much more the difficulties and the mechanics of how things actually work. And it’s important, because if you’re working with entrepreneurs and you want to be the sounding board and advisor and you’ve got no idea how things work, then it’s something you can address, and there’s lots of very successful venture capitalists like Fred Wilson and a couple of others that were never entrepreneurs, but it is a weakness you need to manage and be aware of.Interviewer: You need to understand what the entrepreneurs are doing in order to assess the OPs.Ciarán: And I think that’s why when you start off as a VC the key thing to do is to just suck up everything, spend lots of time at the companies, don’t try and be too smart, respect the entrepreneurs and really really learn learn learn, and then you can gradually become a useful VC.Interviewer: Ciarán, tell us a little bit more about EarlyBird. Where is this VC fund coming from? You told us the regional focus in Western Europe and mainly in Germany. On the other hand, what is your business model focus?Ciarán: We’ve changed significantly since we were born. When EarlyBird was born I was still at high school . So it was a German fund based at Munich and Hamburg and invested in pretty much all across technology, actually even invested in the US for a while. And then a couple of years ago it came up with this new strategy that we would really focus on Europe and a couple of key hubs. So Berlin and Western Europe is the real focus for us. But we also just raised an emerging markets fund. We’ve a separate team that invests in Turkey and CE, so literally all of Europe now is what we want to do. In terms of our DNA we’re very much focused on companies that create platforms, communities, networks, marketplaces that are connecting nodes, and by connecting lots of nodes they’re making industries better, more efficient, taking out the middle man, these kinds of things.What we’re not so good at is pure e-commerce, such as buying stuff and selling it at a margin. We’re not so good at hardware unless it’s a commodity thing, and the intelligence is in the internet or software piece. I thi nk another thing is that, with very few exceptions, we really like to back European companies, but that have a global potential from day one. So not models that used to scale country by country and region by region. You can do that and there’s very successful companies doing that, but our focus and our skill set is more to identify products that can go globally very quickly and help them do that. And then we just round up how we invest it, we’ll do anything from a couple of hundred thousand at seed stage, our sweet spot is still the series A, we will invest like 1.5 to three or four million at most. And the occasional series B where we will join with five to seven, maybe at most ten million. But we’re lifetime investors, so once we’re in and we like the company we will invest up to 15 or 20 million over all rounds until we run out of money.Interviewer: The platform, the investments that you’re doing, do you have some kind of specific expertise that help people or companies scale maybe more efficient, maybe you have some kind of specific marketing knowledge or something like this?Ciarán: Absolutely. We’re thinking very hard about how do we become the best product for an entrepreneur. Money is one part, but then it needs lots of other things around it. I think that the strongest asset we have is the community of people on our portfolios. We were very fortunate that we have lot of amazing entrepreneurs and lots of amazing companies, and they have lots of amazing employees, and we’re now building tools to help connect these employees across companies, around marketing, around product, around design, around sales, around organization, and we also have workshops, master classes, we’ve got a HR database, that kind of stuff. So one thing is utilizing the assets we already have. The other thing is that because we’re a little bit specialized on these platforms and marketplaces and communities, the more you see, the more investments you make, the more mistakes you make, you get to transfer knowledge, that’s something we do. The other thing that we do is we actually just brought on board Konstantin Guericke, and he’s one of the co-founders of LinkedIn, and he’s based in Palo Alto. We don’t invest there, but he helps our European companies do business development, hiring there, open stores, if a company moves there he may take the board seat to work with them closely there. So real, credible presence in the US. And last year I think we had a pretty strong track record of co-investing, syndicating with a lot of the larger and high quality US VCs. So we bring that to the table that we’re connected to this global community. I think that that can help our companies get out. At the end of the day though it’s always down to the entrepreneur. We can only catalyze and help.Interviewer: Ciarán, if you would try to explain to an entrepreneur how is your investment process working. So once you apply, send your business plan or ge t an intro from a friend of yours, etc., what is the typical process on your side maybe that they didn’t even see?Ciarán: The first thing is I would say definitely don’t send a business plan. And, ideally, don’t even have a business plan. I think especially in Europe where we used to think that early stage entrepreneurs write a hundred page Word document, all these things and trying to kind of… Don’t. Show us your product, show us your team, of course you’re going to have some slides, ideally one, maybe ten, but keep it short, let the team and the products speak of itself. Can be a very early, alpha version, whatever, it can be close beta that kind of stuff, but we’ll get much more excited about that than like, “Ah, this makes a lot of sense.” So I think it should be tangible.The other thing is that of course we have tech@earlybird.com e-mail address, and we read every email there, it can take a while but we get back to everything. But the world has all these tool s that empower literally everybody quickly to get to anybody else in the world. So to get an introduction it does help, because it also helps us to say if this guy is willing to do this introduction then obviously, you know.The other thing is, again, I don’t like this part of being a VC and I feel sometimes very bad. We just get so many emails, we’re so hammered that sometimes I can be very slow to respond. And it is absolutely okay â€" and it’s not good, I’m not be doing my job properly by not doing that â€" but when I don’t respond within a week or whatever it’s totally okay to re-ping me again and be like, Hey, I just wanted to float this. Oh, yes. Sorry.And the other thing is I would say that it’s okay as an entrepreneur â€" I think in Europe it used to be like an entrepreneur is a very slick, business driven person â€" and the reality is that the best entrepreneurs are rough, quirky, maniacs, don’t have a linear profile, so it’s totally okay to be a bit like t hat, don’t try to be somebody else than who you are. We like working with whacky, crazy people.Interviewer: In relation to the investment process, what are the typical thing that you look at?Ciarán: There’s a couple of hard things and soft things. The first thing is purely mathematically, because our fund size is the way it is, we need to be involved in companies that if they are highly successful they can become companies that are worth a lot, so more than a billion, uncapped upside. The other thing that we look for is do they have the DNA to at least have a fair chance of doing that? I know everybody says it but it’s just the team. And often it’s the team, but yeah it’s also just the core founder in many cases, just the one crazy guy, so we look at that.The other thing is we just look at your level of disruption. Are you just like another cosmetic layer, are you fixing something that many other people can fix quickly, or are you really bringing a meaningful amount of di sruption to the market.Another important thing is do you have befits of scale, so the larger you get are you creating defensible network effects, are you creating defensible structure and these kind of things. And then the other things is, is there a semi-capital, efficient, meaningful way to get there? So once things are working out, it’s okay to pile on money like there is no tomorrow to create this global category leader, but as a VC you don’t want to spend 10% of your fund. That’s why with biotech it doesn’t work for us. So I think also that there are these logical points in the business where you’re like, oh, with the A round we can actually get to where you should be at the B round. Usually of course it doesn’t happen, there’s delays, whatever, but there is that.And then there is other aspect which I think is really important, and it is the human aspect. It’s a very intense relationship, it really can be day and night, very emotional, so do we connect on a pers onal level? We don’t have to be enthusiastic friends, but we need to be able to work together through good times and through bad times. And so getting a good feeling for that is very important.And in terms of process, time-wise, it can be anything from two days up to a couple of months, depending on whether we still need to get to know each other better, we have this big unsolved thing we need to just work out, how well do we know the people that we’re working with, maybe we know them already. But usually what we find is that it’s beneficial to the entrepreneur and to the VC is you have at least three or four in-depth, personal, face to face meeting, maybe at a dinner and a beer, and really figure things out. But I think on average it’s like two to three meetings before we decide if we want to make an investment, and that can be anywhere from two to maybe four weeks. And then once we decide we want to invest, it’s just mechanics.Interviewer: Ciarán, we always try to give some advice to first-time entrepreneurs, what are some key points that you learned over the years?Ciarán: One is be encouraged from people. Laugh at what you’re doing when they say it’s not going to work. No great idea started off by everybody saying, oh that makes a lot of sense. So if you keep hearing that you should probably be worried. The other thing is that sharing your idea, especially in Germany, it’s very particular in Germany, there’s lots of like, ‘Oh I am in stealth mode’. Unless you’re a natural stealth fighter, that makes very little sense. The benefits you get by telling people about your idea, getting their feedback, seeing how they react, way outweighs the risk of â€" I mean what is the probability of somebody saying oh that sounds good I’m going to do it? It’s like zero. And what kind of idiot is that, they’re probably not going to be very good at it. So get lots and lots of feedback.And then the other thing is that start trying, start building things really really early. Form a thesis around a minimal, viable product, form a thesis around who it should work for. I guess it’s a whole startup movement, but just get going and don’t worry too much about nailing every aspect, because nearly all great companies if you look at how they started and you look at what they’re today, it’s like how did they ever so, yeah.Interviewer: Yeah. Reid Hoffman made a great quote on that: if you are not embarrassed of your product, you did not ship it early enough.Ciarán: Yeah, exactly, that’s true. And then it’s a rollercoaster ride, there’s lots of ups and down, even the best companies. I think Amazon raised their first seed round from like 50 angels and everybody just gave a small amount of money. So just because you’re having difficulties at the beginning and you’re getting negative feedback doesn’t mean you’re the next 100 billion dollar company. So I wouldn’t worry about it.Interviewer: Thank you very much Ciarà ¡n. If you are looking for a great investment, maybe check out Ciarán at EarlyBird.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Steps to Effective Lesson Planning for Grades 7â€12

Writing lesson plans ensures that you are addressing the requirements of the curriculum, effectively planning teaching time, and using the best strategies to address student needs.  Ã‚  Your school district may already have a template, or you can use a general lesson plan template as you work through creating your lesson plans. Before Writing the Plan Begin with the end in mind. Ask the following questions: What do you want the students to learn from this lesson?What state or national standards are you meeting?What does the curriculum from your state or your district require?What are the needs of your students in meeting the requirements of the curriculum? Once youve determined this, write a quick description and list out your objectives for the assignment. Ensure that you will provide extra support to students who do not have the skills to meet the objective. Keep a vocabulary list that uses academic vocabulary words  that you can access as you write out your lesson plan procedure. Additionally, decide content vocabulary students will need as well. This will help you remember terms that you need to make sure the students understand as they work through the lesson. Create a materials list and add to this as you write your procedure so that you know exactly what you will need including audiovisual equipment, the number of copies youll need, other required materials, and even the page numbers from books you plan to cover. Creating the Lesson Plan Determine if the lesson is new learning or a review. Decide how you will begin the lesson. For example, decide whether to use a simple oral explanation for the lesson or a pre-activity to determine what students know. Decide the method(s) you will use to teach the content of your lesson. For example, does it lend itself to independent reading, lecture, or whole group discussion? Will you target instruction for certain students by grouping? Sometimes it is best to use a combination of these methods, varying teaching techniques: beginning with a few minutes of lecture—such as five minutes—followed by an activity in which students apply what you taught or a short whole-group discussion to ensure that the students understand what you have taught them. Decide  how you will have the students practice the skill/information you just taught them. For example, if you have taught them about the use of a map in a particular country or town, envision how you will have them practice this information to truly gain an understanding of the material. You might have them complete independent practice, use a whole-group simulation, or allow students to work cooperatively on a project. The key is to get students to practice the information you have presented. Once you determine how students will practice the skills that you taught them, decide how you will know that they understood what was taught. This could be a simple show of hands or something more formal as a 3-2-1 exit slip. Sometimes a game activity can be an effective way to review, or if the technology is available, a kahoot! quiz. Review the draft lesson plan to determine any accommodations you need to make for your class including accommodations for English-language learners and special education students. Once you have completed your lesson plan, include  any details such as  homework assignments. Make any copies of handouts needed and gather materials for the lesson. Tips and Hints Always start with the final assessment, showing that students understand the material you have presented. Knowing the assessments will leave you  better able to focus the lesson on what is essential. Additionally: Refer regularly to curriculum documents and pacing guides.Try not to rely solely on your textbook for lessons, but do ensure that you evaluate any other source you might use like other books, other teachers, written resources, and internet web pages.Some school districts require standards to be listed on the lesson plans while others do not. Make sure that you check with your school district. Always overplan: It is much easier to cut things out of a plan or continue it the next day than fill 15 or 20 extra minutes. If possible, connect homework to real life. This will help reinforce what the students should be learning.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Effects Of Climate On Small Scale Farmers - 1748 Words

Chapter 3 Literature Review Introduction This literature review seeks to highlight some of the effects that the change in climate has on small-scale farmers along with the strategies that they have employed to mitigate these impacts. Overview of the Global context in the change of Climate The change in climate refers to the alteration in the condition of climate that is easily identifiable through the use of statistical tests through alterations in variability and/or mean of its properties and exists for a much longer period, in most cases decades It can also be described as change in climate that takes place over time, whether it is as a result of human activity or natural variability. For instance, in (1995-2006) the eleven years were†¦show more content†¦The process of systematic observations of climate is normally carried out in national centres of metrology and other specialized centres. The observations are taken at standard pre-set places and time and monitor terrestrial, atmosphere and ocean systems. The variables of the major climate include; tropical cyclones, temperature, temperature of the sea surface, rise in sea level, tropical cyclones and wind speeds. A report by GCM suggests that the mean annual temperature for Jamaica will increase from 1 .1 to 3.2 degrees by 2090. The report also suggests that the increase in range is 1.0 to 3.0 by 2080 and 0.7 to 1.8 by 2050. Likewise, the range in the projected rainfall by 2050 will be -44% to + 18% and -55% to +18% by 2080. The September / November rainfall (late wet season) and July/August (early wet season) have impacted strongly on the general yearly rainfall. The rainfall extreme projections are mixed across the joint. The range of changes by 2080 will be between -19 and +20 for rainfall proportion falling during heavy events and -29mm to +25 in a five day maximum rainfall . Precipitation patterns and temperature alterations will lead to decrease in crop produce in most sub-tropical and tropical regions thus impacting negatively on sectors of Agriculture . Consequently, its effect will cause hunger in developing countries. In the last decade, there has been damage as a result of severe climatic conditions

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Healthy Ways of Keeping Fit Free Essays

There are a lot of ways to keep fit. The important thing is that you find an activity that you enjoy doing and that you stick with it. There is a variety of things you can do. We will write a custom essay sample on Healthy Ways of Keeping Fit or any similar topic only for you Order Now You can run, walk, swim, bike, go hiking, do yoga, lots of different methods for keeping fit. Another enjoyable way is to go dancing. Dancing is a very good aerobic activity, requires physical liveliness and burns a lot of calories. The other thing that is significant is making sure that you follow a healthy diet. You want to make sure that you have enough energy to do these activities that you actually enjoy doing to keep your body fit. Therefore, following a healthy diet means ensuring that you eat when you are hungry, you stop eating when you are full, you include plenty of different types of fruits and vegatables, whole grains, things like brown rice, oatmeal millet, all those types of things are considered whole grains. You also want to include some type of lean protein whether that’s from legumes, beans such as pinto beans, garbanzos, or seafood or lean cuts of meat or poultry without the skin. Any of those are sources of lean proteins that are very beneficial for your body.And again, that particular method of eating will make sure that you have the energy that you need to actually perform these different types of activities you enjoy doing. So when you find the activity you like, try to do it several times a week at least 4 to 5 times a week will really help improve your level of fitness. More than that can actually cause you to lose weight if you are trying to actually lose weight. As you see there are several different ways of keeping feet. It can be any type of physical activity that you enjoy doing. How to cite Healthy Ways of Keeping Fit, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Matthew 18:10-14 Luke 15:3-7 ‘Take care that you do not despise one of these little ones; for, I tell you, in heaven their angels continually see the face of my Father in heaven. What do you think? If a shepherd has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? If he finds it, truly, I tell you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. Therefore, it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost. So he told them this parable: ‘Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. When he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, â€Å"Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.â⠂¬  Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than Jesus said, â€Å"The (Father’s) kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One of them, the largest, went astray. He left the ninety-nine and looked for the one until he found it. After he had toiled, he said to the sheep, ‘I love you more than the ninety-nine.'† over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance. Scenery In the book of Matthew, the parable of the lost ship is presented in a fascinating context. In his analysis, Hagner observes that the context under which the parable was set can easily shake the faith of an individual. This is because it gives some of the most challenging rules that must be followed by each believer.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Parable of the Lost Sheep specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hagner tries to figure out the circumstances that could have caused the sheep to stray. Therefore, it is noted that some factors may force sheep to stray1. However, the sheep is not to blame, but instead the ninety-nine sheep should take responsibility. Hagner goes a notch higher to suggest that those who scare the sheep should be dealt with accordingly. Under this section, he discusses matters related to discipline in the church. In case those who scare the sheep are not disciplined, the same problem might be encountered in the future. Exegetical Assessment Matthew Verse 10 Hagner observes that the angels that Jesus refers to in the verse are special types of angels that cannot be compared to other angels. This is because the angels could see God face-to-face. It was believed in the Jewish culture that only special angels would see God. Therefore, Jesus suggests in the book of Matthew verse ten that angels are ranked according to their capacity to their power. Those that are able to speak to God are special angels and are above the norm al angels. Harrington concurs with the reasoning of Hagner by noting that angels have limited access to the celestial. However, those who believe in the inferior angels should not be loathed. Matthew Verse 12 and Luke Verse 4 In the book of Matthew, Jesus poses a question to his disciples. He asks them to give their views regarding the parable of the lost sheep. This means that Jesus gave his disciples a chance to apply the parable in interpreting their lives. Nolland observes that Jesus never posed questions to his disciples in the book of Luke2. Jesus interacted with his disciples more directly in the book of Luke, unlike in the book of Matthew whereby he challenged his disciples to find the meaning of the parable. In both books, Jesus seems to go against societal expectations because the ninety-nine sheep would be more valuable as compared to a single sheep. In the book of Mathew, the wording of the verse changes the meaning of the parable.Advertising Looking for essay on re ligion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The phrase ‘gone astray’ is used in the book of Matthew meaning that the sheep could have dispersed without the influence of external forces. In the book of Luke, the phrase ‘losing one of them’ is used meaning that the sheep dispersed after the shepherd failed to control the situation. Matthew Verse 13 and Luke Verse 5-6 The major difference between the book of Matthew and Luke regarding the parable of the lost sheep is found in the above verses. In the book of Luke, it is certain that the shepherd would find the sheep while Matthew hints out that the chances of finding the sheep are minimal. In other words, Harrington notes that Luke is confident that the shepherd would find the sheep while Matthew gives the confidence of doubt3. In the book of Luke, the word ‘when’ is used while Matthew uses ‘if’. In both books, Hagner states th at the lost sheep would be found because joy signifies celebrations. Matthew Verse 14 and Luke Verse 7 In the book of Luke, verse seven can only be understood after studying verse six. In other words, verse seven is closely related to verse six. In the book of Luke, the owner of the sheep invited other people to rejoice with him after he found the lost sheep. He organized for a big party and thanked everyone for participating. Jesus said that it would be joyful for a sinner to repent and accept Jesus as his or her personal savior4. The verse goes ahead to suggest that Jesus came to salvage those languishing in sin. The sinful individuals are compared to the sick. In the book of Matthew, verse 14 suggests that there are little chances of finding the lost sheep. Hagner notes that those who stray might end up perishing. Message In the two books, the last verses seem to summarize the parable. Both books support the idea that church leaders must concentrate on bringing back the lost shee p. It is the role of the church members to ensure that each member of the church is comfortable. According to Matthew, no sheep should be allowed to disappear. Luke goes ahead to suggest that God is happy whenever one sheep is found. Therefore, church members should ensure that they search the lost hearts because it pleases God. Jesus is pleased more when one sheep is found. In fact, the parable suggests that Jesus came to cure the sick not the healthy. Therefore, the role of the church leader is to care for the sick not the healthy. As a rule, church leaders should ensure that they guide the congregation in the right way.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Parable of the Lost Sheep specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is ethical for the church leaders to look for the lost sheep instead of taking care of the ninety-nine sheep. Without the support of the church leaders, the congregation is confused. The shepherd is therefore expected to leave the ninety-nine sheep and search for the lost sheep, even if it is only one. A controversy exists of whether the shepherd is God or Jesus. A close analysis suggests that the shepherd is both Jesus and God. Application The parable motivates church members to fulfill a common goal in life. Through the parable, church members are able to care for one another because Jesus suggested that they should be each other’s keeper. In fact, a church member should not behave in a manner that would compromise the faith of another church member. In various churches in the world, people forget their responsibilities and end up performing things that simply fulfill their interests. This contradicts the provisions of the parable because church members must care for each other. In the modern society, church members are simply concerned with their wishes and interests and they forget that they should support their brothers. The parable has transformed the way young pastors relate with other members of society. It is suggested that young pastors should deal with other youths who are yet to receive Jesus in their lives. This is based on the idea that Jesus came to heal the sick, but not the healthy. Bibliography Hagner, Donald A. Word Biblical Commentary. Dallas: Word Books, 1995. Harrington, Daniel. Sacra Pagina. Collegeville: The Liturgical, 1991. Hultgren, Arland. The Parables of Jesus: a Commentary. Grand Rapids. Michigan: Eerdmans, 2002.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nolland, John. Word Biblical Commentary. Dallas: Word Books, 1993 Footnotes 1 Donald, Hagner, Word Biblical Commentary (Dallas: Word Books, 1995), 87. 2John Nolland, Word Biblical Commentary (Dallas: Word Books, 1993), 58 3 Daniel Harrington, Sacra Pagina (Collegeville: The Liturgical, 1991), 12. 4 Arland Hultgren, The Parables of Jesus: a Commentary. Grand Rapids (Michigan: Eerdmans, 2002), 29. This essay on The Parable of the Lost Sheep was written and submitted by user Mat Moth to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 20, 2020

7 Healthcare Jobs that Require No Experience

7 Healthcare Jobs that Require No Experience There’s no doubt healthcare is a booming industry, with tons of diverse well-paying jobs with good benefits and job security. You’re smart to want in. But what if  you don’t have any healthcare experience or educational background? Don’t fear:  not all healthcare jobs require it. Here are 7 healthcare jobs  in the industry that don’t require any particular prior experience or training to get hired. So go ahead, get your foot in that door.1. Home care aideWork in care facilities or in people’s homes assisting elderly and/or disabled patients with day-to-day functions and activities. You’ll be doing a lot of household labor, as well as interfacing with families, but you’ll start at just over $20k per year and get good training in the process.2. Medical assistantWork in a physician’s office or clinic- in any specialty- doing normal administrative duties plus some extra bookkeeping and records-keeping that are particula r to the field, plus assisting with minor medical duties and procedures. Great experience, great first opportunity, great starting salary (approximately $30k per year).3. Medical billerBasically handling the money- from patients, from insurers, and maintaining records. You can work in any number of health care facilities and settings, and make over $33k in your first year.4. Medical secretaryHelp manage a medical office. You’ll coordinate everything- from administrative duties, to supply ordering, to schedule keeping, communication, and liaising with doctors. You can choose from several different work environments and make over $32k per year.5. Nursing assistantWork as an assistant in nursing and patient care and get hands-on experience with patients working with trained staff. Help the pros with logistics and keeping patients comfortable while picking up valuable hours in the field. Expect to make between $25 and $26k per year.6. OT aideConsider working as an aide for an Occ upational Therapist in their offices or clinics, helping to rehabilitate patients with mental or physical impairments. You’ll work mostly handling equipment and administrative tasks, but you’ll gain great experience and make almost $32k per year.7. Psychiatric AideDo the incredibly good and hard work of helping patients who have been confined to mental health facilities. You’ll have tons of good patient care experience under your belt, make over $27k per year, and have done important work in the process.No matter where you’re starting out, you can always get started in the health care field. Just find yourself a suitable entry-level gig and start working your way up.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

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Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Leader as Communicator Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Leader as Communicator - Assignment Example Intellectuals have pinpointed some core competencies that are essential for the leaders (Leading Concepts, 2012). An effective leader should have an ability to express information or convey his/her message explicitly and appropriately. He/she should understand the significances of good oral communication with colleagues, managers and other executive class office members. A leaders communication style should be efficient enough to grab listeners’ attention and encourage them to fulfill the assigned task effectively (Leading Concepts, 2012). However, it has noticed that mass communication is more effective than the individual communication because in mass communication messages are designed more strategically that directly hit cognition of large audience and uniform passive perception that help all members to work with unity (Harris, 2009). For developing good communication skills it is very important for leaders to develop good listening habit at first place. Then develop an ability to make eye contact during communication process (Barker, 2010). Moreover, it is important to always design messages in mind before triggering them to the audience and most importantly never send mixed messages. It is because mixed messages can reduce the effectiveness of the communication process and might contribute to weaken the accomplishment of desired aims (Barker,

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Community in American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community in American History - Essay Example The popularity of slave trade was not only limited to North American colony, but also extended to Southern colonies as well as states (Daniels 54). Daniels asserts that slave trade was a fundamental mechanism through which immigrants were brought into the NEW World, especially The United States (Daniels 54). As they were transported from Africa into the New World, particularly the United States, African slaves carried with them their African culture. The African culture fused with others, both European immigrants and immigrants who were never considered part of immigration such as Asians and Indians. Despite not having been acknowledged as part of immigration, African slaves formed crucial part of the community, where they worked in sugar plantations. As time elapsed, African slaves multiplied through birth. â€Å"At the end of the colonial period, roughly every fifth American was either an African immigrant of the descendant of one† (Daniels 55). This swelling number significantly contributed to the diverse community that has become inherent in the history of the United States. Over 10 percent of American people can accurately trace their ancestry to immigrants of African origin. Unfortunately, most historians have simply ignored the or explicitly covered black history. Historical evidence that can reveal adequate information about the history of immigrants of African origin is not in existence. African immigrants basically had no literature that could be used to document their past. However, there are modern literatures about African slaves, written by the slave merchants together with other white participants in the slave trade as well as observers. These literatures are often exaggerations and largely miss the point ab out the background African slaves. For example, Alex Haley developed a falsified literature about African past, mainly founded on a novel

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Do objects exist independent of the mind?

Do objects exist independent of the mind? This essay will investigate the question of whether mind independent objects exist according to John Locke and George Berkeley. John Locke reasons that objects do exist independently of our mind but this is not without some caveat. George Berkeley on the other hand argues that no material substances exist other than ideas or perceptions in our minds. Hence there are no mind independent objects. I will argue that John Lockes reasoning is actually stronger than Berkeleys and therefore the case for mind independent objects existing is coincidentally stronger as well. Lockes argument in support is that we can be sure of the limits of our knowledge of their existence because of the ideas we obtain from our senses. I will firstly detail how Lockes reasoning supports this contention. Secondly I will explore Berkeleys claim which denies that any form of material substance and hence mind independent objects do not exist independently. I will argue that Berkeleys claim fails because of inadequacies raised during his rejection of Lockes argument. Berkeley relies on an appeal to the supernatural (e.g. God) to counter the universal proposition that he inevitably draws himself into with the existence of other minds in external human bodies and in his contention that external objects only exist as ideas in the mind. Locke adopts a pragmatic approach to this inquiry because he uses the senses in a practical everyday way to assess the degree of certainty of knowledge. Importantly, Locke accepts the limitations of human knowledge which then defines the inquiry question of what level of certainty there is for the existence of external objects (Bennett, 2007). Locke says that an idea is; whatever is the object of the understanding when a man thinks (Bennett 2007 p2). This is an important definition because it suggests an idea to be more than just a representation of an external object. What Locke alludes to here is that we have a cognitive ability to obtain knowledge of the external world through a relationship in our mind between simple (sensations from experience) and complex (abstracted from particular to universal principles) ideas and are thus able to pass judgement (subjective) about the certainty of that knowledge. Locke states that; Knowledge, then, seems to me to be nothing but the perception of the connection and agreement, or disagreement and incompatibility, of any of our ideas. That is all it is (Bennett, 2007, p196). So knowledge then becomes the outcome of complex ideas created in our mind from sensations. The mind has no innate ideas and starts out as a tabula rasa (or blank sheet) but with mental faculties which thus enable the creation of ideas from experiences of the external world (Bennett, 2007). This is not unproblematic though because it raises the question of exactly which faculties are then innate. However, the ideas created come into being from when a person first has sensations. Locke says that: Since there appear not to be any ideas in the mind before the senses have conveyed any in, I think that ideas in the understanding arise at the same time as sensation (Bennett, 2007 p22). These ideas fashioning our knowledge are thus derived from our experience. They are also built upon the immediate impression of external objects in our mind through our senses. More complex and abstract concepts result from our own introspection. Locke then talks about three types of knowledge which are important in our understanding of the certainty of the existence mind independent objects. He claims that these three types of knowledge are; 1. Intuitive Knowledge which is the immediate agreement or disagreement between ideas without an intervention of other ideas; 2. Demonstrative Knowledge which does not immediately perceive the agreement or disagreement of ideas. It therefore brings into itself more ideas and creating complex ideas thus calling it reasoning; 3. Sensitive Knowledge which is knowledge gained through the senses (Bennett, 2007 p22). Sensitive knowledge is the key element of his claim that external objects exist independent of the mind. Whilst it is readily conceded by Locke that sensitive knowledge is not as certain as intuitive knowledge or demonstrative knowledge, it nevertheless goes beyond probability (Bennett, 2007, p202). It follows then that the level of certainty in establishing a case for the existence of external objects knowledge using the senses is limited. But I contend that the degree to which it is limited does not discount its use. Locke also asserts that whilst some philosophers question whether external objects exist even though they may have an idea in their mind, there is a degree of evidentness which puts the question beyond doubt (Bennett, 2007, p202). So he postulates that we can feel the sun, notice the difference at night without the sun and appreciate the contrast between a dream and an idea coming into our mind through the senses (Bennett, 2007, p202). So for all practical purposes, I contend along with Locke that this is all we need to establish a high level of certainty about the existence of mind-independent objects. This is not to say, that his logic is not without some openings for criticism such as the probabilistic certainty of sensitive knowledge. However I argue that the strength of Lockes reasoning for the existence of mind independent objects lies in its pragmatic simplicity. If we have the idea that something exists independently of our mind and we confirm this with our senses, then it is highly probable that it does exist independently of our mind. If we have the idea that the ground we walk upon is solid, then the idea comes from our experience of solid ground through our walking upon it. Using Lockes reasoning then, the idea of solid ground (as a mind independent object) can be held to be certain; to the limit that sensitive knowledge allows. In contrast to Locke, one can postulate as does George Berkeley, that material substances (and hence mind independent objects) do not exist. In his inquiry, scepticism surfaces amidst the proposition that we think only about the idea and not the actual external object. This scepticism charges the materialism of Locke for example, with implying that it leads to disavowing God (Downing, 2011). This aspect of Berkeleys rejection of Lockes materialist conceptions of the existence of external objects is also a key element of my rejection of Berkeleys Idealism. Berkeleys main argument for the mind independent objects not existing is structured thus; That we perceive ordinary objects and I wouldnt have known them if I hadnt perceived them by my senses; Things perceived by the senses are immediately perceived; and Things that are immediately perceived are ideas; and Ideas cant exist outside the mind. So it follows that; The existence of things I perceive by my senses consists in being perceived. When they are actually perceived [the existence of things], therefore, there can be no doubt about their existence (Berkeley P41). Unfolding what Berkeley means by this hinges upon his use of the word perceive. If the definition of perceiving is to become aware of something through the senses, then it seems that what Berkeley is saying is that we can have knowledge of the existence of external objects. But in fact that is not what he is saying. In #1, #2, #3 #4 he is arguing that our perception or awareness of ordinary objects (external) is based upon the use of our senses creating ideas which can then only exist in our minds. Premise #5 makes his argument look remarkably circular but I will grant that it isnt for this purpose. What he is saying is that external objects only exist because we are able to be aware of them. His conclusion at #6 reiterates the thrust of his claim that when we are made aware of external objects by our senses, then we cannot doubt their existence. He does not mean the external object. He means the idea of the external object. So, if the external object is not a representation and it is not anything other than an idea brought about by a perception or awareness through the senses, how is it that we come by the idea of knowledge of the external world? And more so, how is it that when we are not present or are denied our senses for any reason, that other people continue to experience the external world. Berkeley answers this by saying that When I say that sensible things [external objects] cant exist out of the mind, I dont mean my mind in particular, but all minds. Now, they clearly have an existence exterior to my mind, since I find by experience that they are independent of it (Berkeley p42). I argue here that this sentence inherently disrupts Berkeleys claim that there are no mind independent objects. How is it that there can be other independent minds (assuming them to be within external human bodies) which have an existence exterior to his and which perceive external objects whilst Berkeley is say, asleep? How is it that they are not considered to be external mind independent objects? There must be some other explanation. So Berkeley finds himself having to refer to the supernatural deity for relief; God. There is therefore some other mind in which they [external objects] exist during the intervals between the times when I perceive them; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. it necessarily follows that there is an omnipresent, eternal Mind which knows and comprehends all things and lets us experience them in a certain manner (Berkeley p42). In my assessment this appeal to the omnipotence of God diminishes Berkeleys argument dramatically. It is not a question of having or not having a belief in God. It is about establishing a level of certainty that the external world exists independently of our mind. In contrast to Lockes argument which allows for a probabilistic consideration about the certainty of knowledge; Berkeley simply refutes the external mind independent world and fills the void he creates with that of a supernatural deity. It is contextually understandable but I argue that it severely reduces the plausibility and explanatory power of his claim that mind independent objects do not exist. This essay has argued that Lockes assertions about the existence of mind independent objects are stronger than Berkeleys claim that no mind independent objects exist and to this I offer my support. Lockes probabilistic approach to sensitive knowledge assists him to overcome the vicarious connections between the mind and the external world. This is not without its problems though as I have discussed in the paper. Locke struggles with innateness of ideas and faculties along with proving the level of certainty against a measure of probability. In contrast, Berkeley simply rejects mind independent objects outright, which leaves him with the problem of how to then deal with the issue of other minds and human bodies. To this he simply defers to a supernatural deity in God. This I contend creates a most significant weakness in his argument and causes me to reject it. ConAgra Foods, Inc: Economic Analysis ConAgra Foods, Inc: Economic Analysis Author: Artem Zaiets(36981) Summary This paper’s purpose is to look through and analyze the activities of ConAgra Foods within food processing industry. It will touch the areas of the financing of the company as well as those of the business strategies and compare the company’s major competitors’ operations over the past 5 years. The statistics will also project the expected future growth under the rate of 5% over a 3 year period and look at the sensitivity analysis. Using the projected data, this paper will also show the internal growth rate of the company as well as the external funds required for the future. Introduction ConAgra Foods, Inc. is an American packaged foods company that is located in Omaha, Nebraska that was founded a whole century ago in 1919. The company produces and sells products under 27 different brand names, most of which are popular and known only within the North America. Some of ConAgras major brands include Hunts, Healthy Choice, Marie Callenders, Orville Redenbacher, Slim Jim (snack food), Reddi-wip, Egg Beaters, Hebrew National, P. F. Changs, and Bertolli ready meals. The products of the company diverse from cooking oil to hot dogs, frozen dinners, peanut butter, hot cocoa and many more. As was mentioned earlier, the company’s brands are known mostly in North American, including Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, nevertheless, the company still competes with European and Asian packaging food companies in the market and holds a quite strong position in the list. Financial Strategy There are many tools and ratios that can be useful in order to find out a firm’s financing strategy over a course of period. In this passage, I will be discussing 3 of them: debt to equity ratio, payout ratio and retained earnings during the period from 2010 to 2014, and will compare them with other major competitors that the company has in the food processing industry. The first tool that will be used is debt to equity ratio. This ratio indicates the proportion of equity and debt that a company uses to finance its assets to know whether it is conducting a riskier but more profitable business or vice versa. From the chart we can observe the comparison of this ratio with 2 other industry-related companies (Appendix Table 1). As can be seen from the chart, over the course of these 5 years, the ratio for ConAgra Foods, Inc. jumped drastically from 0.7862 to 1.752 in December 31st of year 2013. This can be explained by the fact that the company decided that it did not have sufficient revenue in order to operate further, and as was mentioned earlier the higher the ratio is, the more risk the company takes but the more money it receives as a turn-over at the same time. We can observe the same situation with Kraft Foods, an American company which was founded in year 2012 as a grocery manufacturing and processing conglomerate. A new company has relatively à ¢â‚¬Ëœless’ to lose than an older one, especially when a company such as ConAgra Foods is nearly 100 years old. Indeed, in the short run, according to microeconomic rules of companies, the latter need to have as much revenue as possible in order to operate in the long run. That is why the ratio for the second company is relatively high. As for Nestle which was founded in year 1905 and that is headquartered in Switzerland, we can observer that the situation is rather more stable compared to the 2 other companies. In year 2012, it reached a maximum of 0.4494 ratio in debt to equity which is quite low considering this industry is capital-intensive. The payout ratio, on the other hand, shows the amount of dividends per share to earnings per share that a company makes. For investors, the ratio can show whether the company’s dividend payments seem to be appropriate and sustainable or whether the company’s paying out more than it can sustain. New and-or fast growing companies usually focus on re-investing their earnings so the business can grow, and as a result, tend to have lower dividend payout ratios. Conversely, larger companies usually have a higher payout ratio. Let us analyze the data from Table 2 (Appendix Table 2). ConAgra Foods company’s payout ratio during the period of 2010 to 2011 has been always higher than 40%, and in 2012 even reached 84.8%. This shows that the company decided to increase the relations with their shareholders, or increase the amount of people contributing to the company by having a more attractive dividend payment. As for the new company Kraft Foods, in 2012 the ratio was at 18.2% which is not surprising. However, the company in the next year decided to increase the dividend payments to 48.2%. The reasons may be the same as ConAgra Foods company’s and also that the company does not have much operating cost at this stage. Nestle in years 2010 to 2011 was quite low, but increased to a reasonable amount in the next years. Yet another tool can be used in defining a company’s financial strategy and it is the retained earnings. Retained earnings are usually used to pay off debts and/or gain additional assets (Appendix Table 3). Table shows the relationship between the retained earnings with long-term, short-term debts, as well as non-current assets and stockholders’ equity for ConAgra Foods company. The short-term debt in the company is kept relatively low at all times in the company, which shows that it spends its earnings to keep them down. Non-current assets, however, get increased by twice as much in year 2013. The explanation for this may be that the company decided to increase investments for its many brands recognition, as well as some new equipment. 1.2. The relationship between the financing strategy and the business strategy Since ConAgra Foods, Inc. has so many brands under its name, a wise strategy for the company would be to increase their investments on those brands that have the highest potential, make them more recognizable around the U.S. The company has, therefore, undertaken a few financial actions that would reflect on their business operations. An example of that is the dividend action. The dividend continues to represent one of the highest payout levels among consumer food companies today. As was shown earlier in the chart with the payout ratios of the company and its competitors, we could indeed see that the ratio was the highest for ConAgra Foods, Inc. Restructuring charges is the next strategy that the company recently implemented. The balance of this charge will reflect upon the volatile and non-volatile costs relating to the implementation of restructuring activities, including programs designed to reduce the company’s ongoing operating costs. In other words, the company also focu ses on reducing operating costs. This does make sense, knowing that this industry is quite capital-intensive. The company also announced plans to divest its seafood and domestic imported cheese businesses. 1.3. Internal Growth Rate The internal growth rate of a company illustrates the highest level of growth which is achievable by the company without obtaining external financing. The formula for calculating the growth rate is as following: IGR = Plowback ratio Ãâ€" return on equity Ãâ€" . The plowback ratio is simply 1 subtracted by the payout ratio (1 – payout ratio), and the return on equity is the net income divided by the shareholders’ equity (ROE = ). Using the latest financial data of the company for year 2014, we get that IGR = (1 – 0.527) Ãâ€" Ãâ€" =0.473Ãâ€"0.058Ãâ€"0.272=0.00746 or roughly 0.75%. A conclusion of this is that without external financing, the growth rate of the company is mediocre. In case of any questions considering number (Appendix B Balance sheet of the company). 2.1. ConAgra Foods spreadsheet Assumed growth rate 0,05 Comments Comments Income statement 2014 2015 2016 2017 Revenue 17 702 600 18 587 730 19 517 117 20 492 972 5% increase Cost of goods sold 13 980 000 60,4% of sales 14 679 000 15 412 950 16 183 598 5% increase EBIT 955 400 1 003 170 1 053 329 1 105 995 5% increase Interest expense 379 000 379 000 379 000 379 000 Earnings before taxes 576 400 EBIT-I.expense 624 170 674 329 726 995 Taxes 298 000 51,7% of EBT 322 696 348 628 375 856 Net income 315 100 EBIT I.expense taxes 301 474 325 701 351 139 Dividents 166 057 Payout ratio = 0,527 158 877 171 644 185 050 Reatined earnings 149 043 Net income-dividents 142 597 154 056 166 089 Balance sheet Assets Net working capital 1 588 400 1 667 820 1 751 211 1 838 772 5% increase Fixed assets 15 123 600 15 879 780 16 673 769 17 507 457 5% increase Total assets 16 724 000 17 547 600 18 424 980 19 346 229 Equity and liabilities Long-term debt 8 767 600 8 767 600 8 767 600 8 767 600 Shareholders equity 5 258 500 5 401 097 5 555 154 5 721 242 Increase due to Retained earnings Other liabilities 2 601 200 2 601 200 2 601 200 2 601 200 Minority interest 96 700 96 700 96 700 96 700 Total liability and s.equity 16 724 300 Equal to total assets 16 866 597 17 020 654 17 186 742 Required external finance 0 681 003 1 404 326 2 159 487 Total assets Total liab. and s.equity From this table we can observe how much external finance company needed to maintain future growth. It means that company will either sell equity or borrow debt to obtain extra cash for future growth. Required external finance was calculated, simply, by subtracting future total assets from future total liabilities and shareholders’ equity. In case of any questions considering number (Appendix B Balance sheet of the company). Appendix A 2.1. Financing strategy Table 1 DEBT TO EQUITY 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ConAgra Foods (CAG) 0.6543 0.6183 0.7862 1.752 1.522 Kraft Foods (KRFT) N/A 0.0021 2.79 1.924 2.298 Nestle (NSRGY) 0.3249 0.3928 0.4494 0.3475 0.3024 The numbers were taken from December 31st of each consecutive year. Table 2 PAYOUT, % 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ConAgra Foods (CAG) 43 46.8 84.8 82.1 52.7 Kraft Foods (KRFT) N/A N/A 18.2 48.2 53.1 Nestle (NSRGY) 17 18.5 60.6 72.2 47.5 Table 3 Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Retained Earnings 4417 4854 4765 5130 5011 Short-term Debt 261 364 78 703 226 Long-term Debt 3226 2870 2859 8887 8768 Non-current Assets 7778 7509 8223 16026 15136 Stockholders Equity 4924 4702 4440 5264 5259 Appendix B 1.3. Internal growth rate; 2.1. ConAgra Foods spreadsheet Balance sheet of the company 2014 Assets Current Assets Cash And Cash Equivalents 183,100 Net Receivables 1,393,200 Inventory 2,292,600 Other Current Assets 361,900 Total Current Assets 4,230,800 Property Plant and Equipment 3,822,800 Goodwill 7,836,500 Intangible Assets 3,205,800 Other Assets 270,500 Total Assets 19,366,400 Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 2,416,400 Short/Current Long Term Debt 226,000 Total Current Liabilities 2,642,400 Long Term Debt 8,767,600 Other Liabilities 2,601,200 Minority Interest 96,700 Total Liabilities 14,107,900 Stockholders Equity Common Stock 2,839,700 Retained Earnings 5,010,600 Treasury Stock (3,494,400) Capital Surplus 1,036,900 Other Stockholder Equity -134,3 Total Stockholder Equity 5,258,500 References conagrafoods, (2015).Investor Relations and Investor Information | ConAgra Foods. [online] Available at: http://www.conagrafoods.com/news-room/news-ConAgra-Foods-Announces-Strategy-for-Strengthening-Long-Term-Operating-PerformanceStreamlined-PortfolioIncreased-Marketing-on-Key-BrandsAggressive-Cost-Programs-and-Lower-Dividend-Shape-New-Financial-Profile-1008563 [Accessed 29 Jun. 2015]. Financials.morningstar.com, (2015).Balance Sheet for ConAgra Foods Inc (CAG) from Morningstar.com. [online] Available at: http://financials.morningstar.com/balance-sheet/bs.html?t=CAGregion=usaculture=en-US [Accessed 29 Jun. 2015]. Gurufocus.com, (2015).ConAgra Foods Inc (CAG) Debt to Equity (%). [online] Available at: http://www.gurufocus.com/term/deb2equity/CAG/Debt+to+Equity+%28%25%29/ConAgra+Foods+Inc [Accessed 29 Jun. 2015]. Markets.ft.com, (2015).Nestle SA, NESN:VTX financials FT.com. [online] Available at: http://markets.ft.com/research/Markets/Tearsheets/Financials?s=NESN:VTX [Accessed 29 Jun. 2015]. Finance.yahoo.com, (2015).CAG Balance Sheet | ConAgra Foods, Inc. Common Stoc Stock Yahoo! Finance. [online] Available at: https://finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s=CAG+Balance+Sheetannual [Accessed 30 Jun. 2015]. Finance.yahoo.com, (2015).CAG Income Statement | ConAgra Foods, Inc. Common Stoc Stock Yahoo! Finance. [online] Available at: https://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=CAG+Income+Statementannual [Accessed 30 Jun. 2015].

Friday, January 17, 2020

Is It Possible to Prove the Existance of God Essay

Is it possible to prove the existence of God? Throughout time many philosophers have been searching for an answer to creation and whether it is actually possible to prove (or not prove) if God exists. Some of the philosophers include Thomas Aquinas, William Paley and Blaise Pascal they came up with various different theories and arguments to prove the existence of God and why they believed he did exist. Another philosopher Karl Marx thought that his theory could convince people not to believe in God. One philosopher, Thomas Aquinas believed that God did exist and that he could prove this simply by arguing that the Universe could not have been made by nothing at all, saying that it was impossible for something to come from nothing. He believed that the universe was caused to exist by something which itself is uncaused, or else there would be an infinite regress. He thought that the only way to explain the start of the universe in a rational way was to say that it was created by God. I think that Aquinas may be right, but I doubt that he is right as he is saying that God was created by nothing but I feel that something must have created God and therefore there must have been an infinite regress. There is also no solid evidence or proof that God does exist and since there isn’t I think that not even Aquinas is 100% sure that God exists. Also, Aquinas’ theory seems rather contradictory as he says that the Universe must be caused by something and cannot just simply be made by nothing but that God is an uncaused causer. Another Philosopher, William Paley, like Aquinas was convinced that God does exist and that he could prove it. Paley ‘invented’ the thought experiment to encourage people to agree with him that God exists. He called his argument that Teleological argument (coming from the Greek word ‘telas’ meaning purpose). Story Imagine you are walking across open countryside with some friends. Then you suddenly come across something lying on the grass. You are so impressed with the workmanship that you are your friend. Who do you think made this watch? † The friend says†Nobody made this watch it was always there† Paley said that the universe, like a watch is too complicated and intelligently designed to have no creator. Paley used the Analogy of the watch to argue the existence of God. Paley argues that if a simple watch has a creator then the universe, which is so much more complicated and in some ways more beautiful than a watch must have a creator and that creator must be God. I think that Paley’s theory does seem reasonable but I do not fully agree with it completely. I think that the world must have a creator but not necessarily God anything could have been the creator and that the creator might not be Omnipotent, Omnibonevelant and Omniscient the creator could have simply just created the universe and then just left it or done nothing else to it. Another philosopher who also likes Aquinas and Paley ‘believed’ in God and thought that he could use his theory to encourage others to do so was Blaise Pascal. However, Pascal’s theory was very different to Aquinas and Paley’s. Pascal believed that God’s existence can neither be approved nor disapproved and whatever you decide about this problem will be uncertain and that your answer can be nothing more than a gamble. Pascal said that you cannot avoid making a gamble on God’s existence and you have to place your bet whether you like it or not. Pascal soon came to the conclusion that it would be better to believe that God existed than not to as you will not lose anything by doing so. He thought that if you believed that God existed and then after your death he actually did you would have a big gain by going to heaven. If, however God didn’t exist and you believed that you did you would not lose anything apart from some of your time praying and going to religious places etc. Pascal also thought that if you did not believe in God and came to know after your death that he did you would be most likely to go to hell therefore have a big loss. He called his theory Pascal’s wager. I strongly disagree with Pascal’s theory mainly because he only believed in God for selfish reasons and wanted people to believe in God only because of the happiness they would get in heaven which is not the actual idea. Also I think that God does not decide to put people in heaven and hell based on whether they believe or not but by the good deeds they have done in their life, so people who believe in God just for reasons like Pascal’s probably would not go to heaven anyway. I think that Pascal seems rather greedy to believe in God just to go to heaven after his death. The last philosopher I’m going to talk about is Karl Marx. Marx thought that that â€Å"Religion is a tool of oppression† meaning that Religion is something that you do not actually need but use to distract yourself from other things and something that someone just gets pleasure and happiness from. So he thought that everyone should just reject religion and this would make people aware of their own true situation and this may give them a chance to improve the conditions in which they live. Marx used quotes from the bible to back up quotes from the bible to back up his theory. â€Å"Blessed are the poor in spirit†¦ inherit the earth† Marx would argue that this quote is trying to say that it is not the rich and powerful who are most fortunate but actually the poor, as they will go to heaven because of all the suffering they have endured. He would say that the poor are often given quotes like this to make them content with their own miserable lives and that religion makes a virtue of poverty and meekness and unacceptable lives have been glamorised. Therefore I do not agree with Marx argument mainly because his theory may have been applicable at that time but it is not now, as people do not use religion just to have a distraction or something to comfort them when everything else is a mess. To conclude I think that although there are many different theories for whether God exists or not it is not actually possible to prove that God exists and that if you believe in God you should not just believe that he exists because of some theory but because you actually believe he exists and want to believe in him. Although it is probably not possible to prove whether God exists or not (unless he came down to earth and told everyone) the most convincing way would be to experience a miracle. Miracles can prove that God exists to a certain amount because most miracles would be far too big to be just a coincidence. Even though there are many stories about miracles in the news and in religious books such as the bible you cannot actually be sure until you experience one yourself. Miracles may not prove that God as people know him exists (Omnipotent, Omnibonevelant and Omniscient etc) but they do prove that there is an all powering/ supernatural being.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

A Health Promotion And Social Participation Program

Healthy Food, Fun Friendship Cooking Group for Seniors on a Fixed Income The aging of the baby boomer generation is creating the fasting growing population group in human history, the elderly. As a result, economically stable societies are faced with the unprecedented challenge of helping this rapidly expanding population maintain their health, independence, and well-being (de Almeida, Graca, Alfonso, Kearney Gibney, 2001). There is a plethora of evidence-based research supporting the fact that good nutrition, physical activity, and social participation are essential for the functional and psychosocial health, self-sufficiency, and well-being of aging seniors (Jones, Kimberlee, Deave Evans, 2013). The purpose of this community-built proposal is to create a health promotion and social participation program in order to educate seniors on a limited income about the positive long-term health benefits of social engagement and good nutrition on one’s health, well-being, and overa ll quality of life. Profile of Target Population Description The target population of the community-based cooking program is community-dwelling adults, aged 65+ years, living independently in an apartment complex for individuals on a fixed income. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Examples And Ambiguities Of Art Censorship - 1459 Words

Examples and Ambiguities of Art Censorship (Position Paper) Art censorship, suppression of the arts, has a very long history. This is because all societies must decide what the limits of free speech are, and in this decision they must also decide the status of art. It is easy to raise more questions than answers when exploring this topic as it is a question whose answer is affected by differing perspectives and opinions. It would be exceedingly difficult to articulate an argument based on data, and even more difficult to prove any kind of causation using this data. Because of this I won t even try to make this type of argument, instead I ll only provide some historical and current examples of art censorship and express my own opinion†¦show more content†¦Pope Paul IV ordered a list of prohibited books in 1559. This list has been updated 20 times and was not abolished until 1966. This list was horrifically enforced during the inquisitions through the burning of the books in q uestion and sometimes their authors. In 1652 The Catholic Friar Diego de Landa order the commencement of the burning of Mayan codices and idols. Only three of these codices written in the Mayan hieroglyphics remain. A whole written system was very close to being completely annihilated. This demonstrates how harmful and destructive censorship can become when taken to the extreme. Eventually attitudes towards the naked human figure had changed in the art world. But, in 1865 Edouard Manet s Olympia was still able to generate controversy. Although it was normal to see nude paintings, this particular painting generated controversy because of its realistic rendering which contrasted with the usual idealized style of the time. Also, the woman in the painting returns the viewers gaze which some found to be off putting. This particular work did not experience censorship problems with the government or gallery, but instead the attempted censorship came from bystanders. In fact two policemen were there to guard the painting from them. I would argue that this is indeed a form a censorship. Censorship does not have to come from a government or a gallery, but can come from anyone attempting to suppress speech